stars in the night is all I see....
2002-11-06 | 11:37 a.m.

Woohoooo....Suddently it's easier to go to school. This morning I had a huge headache but it has gotten better now, 'cause I've just recieved the GREATEST news!! Yesterday I went to one of the teachers office to tell her about having Swan Lee at the school for 1 day where they are telling about how they started their record company and all that. She thought that the idea sounded very great and gave me the adress to the leader of that kind of arrangements. So I wrote her and Swan Lee about my idea. Then today the teacher I talked with yesterday went to me and told me that she had heard about the arrangement yesterday, from another school yesterday....Now she's 100% sure that the arrangement will be to something. We just wait on an answer from Swan Lee. It could be SO great!! And maybe my class will see that Tim isn't the only one I'm listening to :)

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