back to school, ring the bell
2002-11-25 | 11:47 a.m.

Damn it!! It's monday again! And I'm as usual, TIRED! Typical.

Hmm...well. I've had a great weekend though. Friday I went to my cousins birthday. Saturday Maj came to visit me and saturday evening we went to a concert with Dinojax. It was great and the band was nice. Yesterday I spend going around in my night clothes, doing almost nothing. Besides some homework.

I've got a warning about my high absence. Which isn't SO high! I've only stayed away from school 1 fucking hole day because I slept over!! The rest is the stupid stamping system. It can't count the minutes! My parents has to sign a letter. But I've hidden it from them. I'm afraid. Tomorrow I'll go talk with my student counsellor.