you have to many...
2003-05-14 | 5:12 p.m.

....thoughts, dreams and things going around in your head. STOP IT!!

I should never have taken that shitty train from Kolding to Copenhagen last week. People have completely misunderstood me. they think i only went to see Tim. I DID NOT!! get it! I'm often lonely back here in Kolding. almost every day. sometimes i just need to do some crazy stuff like taking that trip to Copenhagen this thursday just to be with the people i talk with on the internet almost every day! If I only came to see Tim playing records....then why didn't i just go into the room were he was?!! I sad around with all the others having fun outside in the hallway! and yeah...i know i stayed at vega when it was all over.....but i didn't want to go back to the station just to sit all alone, waiting for the train for almost 2 hours. it all went so fast...

Now i've comed to this point where i've realized some stuff and still have a million of other things i need answers to. but when do people realize who i am and why i do things like this instead of misjudge me all the time!! argh!