for how long can you keep a secret?
2003-07-17 | 2:26 a.m.

i'm thinking a lot about what i'm going to do when i've finished school in about a year. so i've started my own little self study reading books about 60's bands and so. so far i've read one book about jim morrison (the doors) and one with a looooong interview with john lennon. yesterday i started on the beatles dictionary. and todays word:

"apple scruff"

an "apple scruff" is a name on the girls who in the late 60's constantly waited to get a flash of the beatles, either outside the studio on abbey road, the apple-office in savile row or at paul mccartneys private adress on cavendish avenue. some of them devoted several years to this kind of "hobby". one of the girls took mccartney's dog for a walk everyday, one became a receptionist on apple and george harrison wrote a song about them "apple scruffs" which became a part on his triple album "all things must pass" in 1970. 2 "apple scruffs" got the honor of singing choir on "across the universe" and an american "apple scruff" published the book "waiting for the beatles" in 1984, where she told about how life had been being an "apple scruff". one "apple scruff" even broke into paul mccartneys home, throught the bathroom window. mccartney got really mad and her only excuse was that they were bored. later on mccartney wrote the song "she came in through the bathroom window", about the episode.

hehe. weirdo.