apple scruffs <> the royal tim society
2003-10-01 | 1:06 a.m.

i've had a fantastic day. i went to school to find out that i had no teachers today, so i had the day off. great! so i went to the library to get a book i've been waiting for, for months. its title is 'waiting for the beatles - an apple scruffs story'. and went home started reading before i fell asleep and slept to i had to go to my guitar-lesson. i've already read so much of the book that i've realized a fact.

the apple scruffs were a collection of young women who dedicated their lives for a number of years to the objects of their idolatry - the beatles. they used hole days just sitting around, waiting to get glimts of their idols. and then it strucked me. those kind of fans still exists...just in another way. the internet...