2004-08-28 | 10:16 p.m.

it was my grandmother's and aunt's birthday. hurray! the whole family came here to celebrate. i have allways thought of my grandmother as an old vice sweet woman. but the older she gets i think she gets more and more grumpy. i don't know why i noticed that yesterday. maybe it isn't even the fact that she's getting older. maybe it is the difference between our generations. the humour distance. things she founds funny may be boring stuff for my ears or things i might found funny mey offend her. bah. i hope you understand the thing i just tried to understand. i still love her though.

today i've been doing nothing. made some drawing to a letter and bought a calendar. i need to get things organized a bit better. maybe i will remember things to do even better now with a calendar than i did last wedensday when i forgot to go to my guitar lesson. hehe.

i've made some changes on my "rings" now it's a site with "links" to some friends and music i listen to. go enjoy.