in the end you've got a friend for lifetime
2006-04-25 | 10:26 p.m.

it's been a looooong day at work today. 9 hours. phew. gladly it's gonna be a short day tomorrow. 4 hours. mmm. i fell asleep when i arrived home. i was so tired. damn. my brother woke me up. we got some dinner. afterwards we went to our old primary school. my little friend luna was singing at the yearly spring concert. so i went. mostly to see the old parts of the buildings yet standing. the only things which looked like them selfes were hallways surrounding the gymnasium and swimming bath (which probably still looks like it's always done). crazy stuff.

i met my very first form master/math teacher. the head teacher who told us to feel free to look around. some other teachers from my days at the school. and then.. most important of all i met my alltime favourite teacher (music and danish) and form master. he was happy to see me there - "more beautiful, grown up and wiser for everytime i see her" - he said. hehe. we had a great talk. about old times, me and my future, why our picture from our final year wasn't hung up yet, my internet use, he and his soon stopping at the school....and then he suddenly wanted me to come over next week in one of his music classes and lecture about tim and his music. wow. finally a way to share my knowledge of the man. could be funny if it turns into something. first i have to call him. uh. hehe. he's the best teacher i've ever had. seriously. i haven't learned much since i left primary school and his lessons. he is a good example for me.

and now i'm all excited and feeling this warmth inside (not at all tired anymore), listening to tim for the first time in a looooong time. and thinking back. i think i've said it in here before....but i really miss my primary school.....

think i better get into bed before i get all sad and overwhelmed. tim stopped playing now anyways....time for some teitur i think. yeeeaah!