still young, oh youth
2006-07-18 | 4:19 p.m.

i made a phonecall yesterday. i should never have done it...but then again if i hadn't done it i would start making things up believing everything was in its right places. which it wasn't. damn how wrong i was! i got pretty disappointed. but i couldn't do anyhting about it. sigh. it's now completely ruined and there's no turning back. i have to forget everything and pretend nothing ever happened. and then i realized....he wasn't the only one crossing personal lines....i was too and he made me see but i never got to tell him.....

well...anyway...past is past. and as i've already said i need to move on. what a way to do it wandering around the house doing nothing ?! especially when there's 100 things to do. typical. at least i've painted some paintings for my mum today...she hasn't returned from job yet and she's been away for over a month now. hmm. it's frustrating. and now i need to get groceries for my dad and get hold of all the laundry. i hate it.

oh by the way...i was killing time yesterday doing this for my myspace page (go to the bottom of the page to see):