out on the country
2006-07-20 | 1:24 a.m.

i've been out on the country all night yesterday and all day today. it was nice. daniel had invited me to watch some movies with him last night. so i grabbed my bike and bicycled all the way down to him (10 km). we saw napoleon dynamite and open water. napoleon dynamite was really funny. open water was scary....hold your breaths. heh.

i slept over and helped him paint his mother's office all day today. damn it was hot. but funny. my mobile phone ran out of battery early this afternoon. so you can really say that i've been out on the country. haha. i stayed over for dinner. and then he made pancakes for me. mmmm. late this evening we grabbed out bikes and went back to the city. lovely.

tomorrow my mum is finally coming home again. she's been gone for over a month now. so it's going to be great having her back. i've prepared some surprises for her :)