dizzy mizz meeeee!
2006-08-17 | 8:53 p.m.

god dammit! WHAT a night....the best selling danish rockband of the 90's, dizzy mizz lizzy, reunited on stage and played some classics. tim had told me long ago that he would play the good ol' dizzy he had just left out the minor detail that he was entering the stage with the original members. martin (bass) and s�ren (drums). they hadn't been on stage together for 10 years until yesterday evening. and s�ren and martin played like they did back then. unbelievable when they haven't touched an instrument since dizzy broke up back in 98. people went crazy....dancing around, smiling all over and singing along to every song they played. it was faaantastic! i completely forgot time and space.

today i spent most of the afternoon at the local mall together with marlene. it was nice. she made me realize some things about myself. i'm a mess these days. frustrated, stressed over nothing and veeeery tired. think i'm going to bed soon....