lil' streams of consciousness they tumble over rocks they kiss
2006-11-29 | 10:47 p.m.

i started today out once again with a little music quiz. a mercury rev song. i didn't know which it was. i just thought 'damn! it's a long time since i've been listening to mercury rev....i'd almost forgot them!'. so i went into my living room and found "the secret migration" record, from which i suspected the song was from. and right i was (once again!). track 12 with the title "first-time mother's joy (flying)" was the exact song playing in my head. damn i love those little music quizzes. a really great way to start your day. really!

daniel just left. haven't seen him for ages. actually i think the last time i saw him and hung out with him was back in july or so. damn. i've missed him. so i made dinner. and he came by. really cosy. lovely to see him again.