impressive music-videos
2008-02-16 | 12:03 p.m.

the same friend who inspired me to the music abc, has also inspired me to mention the 4 or 5 music-videos that have made the greatest impression on me so far. they are as follow:

bj�rk - "it's oh so quiet"

this must have been one of the first music-videos i've ever seen. it made a great impression on me and was the first time i stumbled across bj�rk.

moby - "why does my heart feel so bad"

this is also one of the videos that have made a great impression on me one way or another. i love moby's drawings! and the end of the video is fantastic.

placebo - "pure morning"

i really dig the tension or excitement this music-video brings to you when you watch it...will he jump or ? what if he jumps ? i also like the slow-motion details it has.

ed harcourt - "all of your days will be blessed"

of course i had to choose one of this brilliant man's videos. it was hard...but this video is just great and somehow brings you to his universe of monsters and surrealistic things to happen.i especially love the last 30 seconds.

teitur - "louis louis"

i've gotten a bit tired of the song...but i really dig the atmosphere in this video. and's hilarious when teitur starts dancing. hah!

i know i've already chosen 5 video...but in my search for music videos, i stumbled across this one, which proved to be the coolest video i've seen for ages!:

whitest boy alive - "golden cage"

nothing else exciting to tell you about my life at the moment...i've tried to catch up with my education the past few days which have demanded me sitting indoor reading and reading.