do you realise we're floating in space ?
2008-08-10 | 10:12 p.m.

the flaming lips gets better and better for every time i experience them live. friday was the fourth time...and man what an experience!! my parents drove me to copenhagen as they had to go there as well we had lunch together. very cosy. before they drove me to tivoli where i met up with mads, his girlfriend and his sister around 4:30 pm. five and a half hour before the concert was scheduled to start...i've never been around so long before...not even at tim's concerts. haha. but what else to do?! people i know in copenhagen were too busy anyways...and it has been ages since i'd seen mads, so we hang around in tivoli, took a walk in the beautiful old garden and soon found our places in front of the stage where the entire band ran around making sound check, testing confetti, laser light show, smoke and so on. very entertaining.

especially when wayne (the lead singer) said to this guy sitting right next to us that he liked his glasses (looking almost like these in silver ), so the guy told him that he could have them if he wanted them, so wayne came down from the stage and met up with him, put on the glasses and walked backstage to ask his wife what she thought of them. a little while after he came out again with the glasses in the hand telling the guy that his wife thought they reminded her a bit too much about elton john...haha. but the guy talked him into keeping them. so he did. later on this guy and all his friends got dancer-tickets so they could go up on stage and dance around during the concert and meet the band afterwards. lucky bastard.

here's some pictures that captures the magical evening very well:

flaming lips in tivoli 08.08.08
during the intro of the concert, wayne took the famous walk in his 'hamster ball'

flaming lips in tivoli 08.08.08
then the balloons came out, the concert started and people went nuts.

flaming lips in tivoli 08.08.08
the magical laser show. wow!

flaming lips in tivoli 08.08.08
i stood right in front of this balloon...

flaming lips in tivoli 08.08.08
BANG! and i was covered in confetti.

flaming lips in tivoli 08.08.08
but the confetti didn't stop there...a little while after it was raining with confetti and we all almost drowned in it. look how happy people look :) it was indescribable beautiful and very optimistic. i believe this was taken during my favourite song 'do you realize?'.

flaming lips in tivoli 08.08.08
the lucky guy and his friends going crazy as teletubbies bathing in confetti as looks like mads has captured my head here. hehe. yes, that's me in the foreground.

flaming lips in tivoli 08.08.08
this was how it looked after the concert. we stood around the platform in the middle of the picture. it says it all.

thanks to mads for all the pictures. i'm sad i didn't bring my camera myself, as it was a very memorable evening.