hurray for multi-tasking!
2009-08-13 | 12:11 p.m.

as promised i here by show you the surroundings i was trying to write my bachelor project in last weekend (see below). it's my parents garden and it's absolutely adorable...

i've been very busy the last few days working on my bachelor project which slowly progresses. and attending some intense meetings at the student house. yesterday for example i had to attend a board meeting in order to defend the live music at the student house. and afterwards S and i went home to my apartment to cook some dinner and open the first bottle of wine. we had a meeting afterwards here on my balcony concerning marketing strategies and so lasted 'till around 1:30 am. and then i had to write a bunch of emails in order to get things done in time (read: we're under a lot of pressure in order to reach out to the new students). so i went to bed around 3 am. only to get up to another meeting by phone at 11 am. and when i've written a couple of emails now...i'm getting back to my bachelor project.

in the meantime since monday (or actually since last week) i've worked on getting a band to play at the university intro days in two weeks. of course it had to be one of the bands that are playing at the f�lles studiestart festival in about a month, in order (i say that a lot in this entry huh!?) to give the new student a little taste of what's in store for them to the festival (read: the band will only be playing for about 10 minutes). afterwards the band is going down to godset in order to practise with their soundguy the rest of the day. it doesn't sound like very much...but it has taken a lot of time and energy to keep track on who is doing what, when and why and so on. but i finally have some kind of general view over the situation. hurray for multi-tasking!

my parents garden