being in charge of it all - part 2
2009-11-03 | 9:52 a.m.

factory45 never got to trapholt as i'd promised them. but they managed hanging out at klostret playing pool and watching dvd's at first floor. while more and more volunteers arrived downstairs along with the PA and forest and crispian downstairs. as usual these things went smooth and the forest and crispian guys were really kind and easy to understand (i had feared that i had to speak english to them in order for them to understand me...but fortunately not).

the fac45 boys were really happy when it finally were their turn to do soundcheck...but during their soundcheck one of the guys came to me almost in panic asking if i'd seen the bottle of vodka i'd bought for them. it was gone! oh no...what to do?! it was really scary at some point since the only ones who had been access to backstage, was the volunteers, the sound guy and the musicians....unless they'd forgot to lock the backdoor and a stranger had slipped in...but why would that someone stop at a bottle of vodka when the room was filled with iPhones and macs ?! it really didn't make any sense. so yeah i was very worried since it was kind of my responsibility, but on the same time i was calm, 'cause since it didn't make any sense with a must have been one of the musicians who'd somehow hidden it or taken it. but the factory45 guys were really scared and sad. poor ones. i couldn't do anything.

but then...shortly before they hit the of the guys shouted from backstage "I'VE FOUND THE VODKA!!! YEPEEE!". haha. and J called at me shortly after "rikke!! did you hear that?! we've found the vodka!!". it's funny how much a silly bottle of vodka becomes your highlight of the day when you're spending all day waiting around.

anyways...there were around 30 people showing up this time plus all the volunteers. so the atmosphere was very cosy and lovely when factory45 finally hit the stage. there were around 3-5 girls constantly dancing around in front of the stage. yay. so i was very excited to see what happened when forest and crispian went on stage afterwards. but they actually managed to do a great show as well. people weren't exactly dancing (before one of the last songs in the encore)...but they threw a really great show making people smile.

i was happy. it'd been such a lovely day hanging around with such lovely people. double yay! but...of course there is a but...some people ruined my good mood later on when they were smoking behind the bar...and when i confronted them...they called me nicknames i haven't been called since i went to primary hurt and got me really angry and sad on the same time. and i was way too tired to do anything about it. it's crazy how quick rude people can drain you from energy...huh?!

here's some pics from that fabulous night...before it turned out ugly:

Forest & Crispian at Klostret

Forest & Crispian at Klostret

Forest & Crispian at Klostret

Factory45 at Klostret

Factory45 at Klostret