Yeah! New bike :)
2002-05-18 | 8:39 p.m.

Today has been a really nice day. The sun was shining. I went downtown with my family to look after a new bike for me...I found what I came for...But they didn't have it in that colour I want it to be I have to wait in some weeks before it's mine...and I have to pay by myself.

I exchanged one of the Superheroes CD's to Sort Sol's anniversary CD. I also bought some CD's...One with Dear and one with Radiohead. I haven't heard any of them yet...'cause I'm to tired in my head right now. But I have listened to Superheroes all the morning.

Yes! I'm home alone and there's only 1 week till I 'm going to �rhus to see Superheroes + Junior Senior DJteam together with Danielle :)

Well...I have to go for now...'Cause in about an hour I'm meeting up with some guys from the Tim C. chat..byyee.. :)