My 17th birthday :)
2002-05-18 | 12:47 a.m.

Puuhh..It's hard to have birthday and last schoolday at the same time when you also have to go to work.

Niels, Danielle, Luna, Vibeke (from the class), Charlotte (one of my boss's), Maibritt, Maj-Britt, Kamilla, Young, Laura and Ciller remembered my birthday. Danielle wrote a nice SMS to me this morning. I got so happy :) Young threw confetti and Laura sang for me :) Ciller had wrote a song for me....but it got deleted...'cause I had to change my ICQ number. :( But I'll wait a hole year to hear that song again...I'm already looking forward to hear it :)

I got 3 CD's..Superheroes - Superheroes x 2 and Nirvana - Nevermind. So I'm going downtown to exchange one of the Superheroes to a another CD from my loooong list :)

Oh sell...I'm so tired right now....sleep tight every body :)