summer is on its way
2003-03-17 | 12:02 p.m.

aaaah. I'm at the school right now. The sun is shining and the weather is so nice. I'm happy about the fact that I only had to go to school for 4 hours today (2 hours left). This morning I felt like being back in my primary school days. I really miss them sometimes. I got so much into my "dreamworld" that I almost forgot that it takes 15 min. to go to school (AND that they almost count every minute you are there or not) and not 2 minutes like in the good old times. So I came 5 minutes too late and got 1 hole hour of absence. I'm on my way to my second warning. This is not good. Gotter go. bye


My guestbook is out of order. The background is missing, so the background is black so the text disappears and you can only read it if you mark the text. Really stupid but I'm trying to figure something out.


Now my guestbook works fine again. And i did it all by myself!! wee.