eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
2004-09-30 | 11:36 p.m.

i had a fear the other day. if i would all those lovely people i know of online ever get the news of my dead ?! i have passwords to almost everything and no one know of them. weird thing to think of. hmm. but scary.

it has been a long day. 8 hours of work, downtown buying a gift for jens, home to change, heading jens' to give him a birthday hug and his gift (i bought him the record i love the most at the time...ed harcourt - strangers...he loved it. weee.), and then off downtown yet again to see this little guy i'm going to look after every second monday this winther, and then i met up with daniel to go and see the brilliant film "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind". now i'm very tired. being on the road all day. and i feel sick. maybe i better stay at home this weekend.

by the way..."eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" made my mind spin and my heart pound. it strugged me right in my heart. wow. it was like experience a deja vu of my own life as it is right now.
