2004-10-08 | 10:06 p.m.

i don't like the idea of being too much by my self these days. i feel weird. too many thoughts runing through my head.and now jens cancelled our evening tomorrow. so i've bought a ticket to a concert with saybia on godset. 'cause i don't like the idea of just sitting around here, talking empty talk with myself. probably drinking beer. it's no fun.

today i've been to work (of course). afterwards i went downtown to say hello to jens and friends on knud's garage (a caf�), going to the library, drifting around, watching a busy squirrel family doing acts, laughing a bit to my self. walking home in the strange beautiful weather. looking up in the beautiful sky.

not much happening around. went to get dinner at a pizza restaurant. alone. realising why people get together (as a couple, yes). they wanna feel save. finding themeselves. and i thought i'd found myself ?! maybe i'll never be a part of this happy couple. just me. myself. alone. sad.