we can find each other this way i believe
2006-09-02 | 11:43 p.m.

i was thinking back on yesterday evening when i realized that i couldn't get to the numbers on my cell phone because it had run out of battery. damn i paniced. hah. i ran around trying to figure out what to do. and i found my cousin's ex, jesper and borrowed his cell phone and took it to pieces in a desperate attend to get out the chip so i could switch them but i couldn't see anything. and suddenly i didn't knew what i was doing. and before i got too far, jesper came back and took his cell phone back. haha. i don't get what went wrong there. i sure hope he has forgot it by monday. hehe. it was a crazy evening...ok.

i'm in �rhus now. all alone again again. i haven't really packed a whole lot or anything. hmmm. marlene stayed at home. she had other plans. and i found out arriving here, that i can't get the key to my new apartment before monday. so i'm not moving tomorrow anyway. baaah. but wednesday is the big moving day. it's gonna be great. can't wait. wehuu weee!