run away
2006-09-18 | 11:20 a.m.

i ended up going home saturday from this trip. toke, mette, charlotte, dan and i decided to take the train home around noon. none of us wanted to stay. because people were drunk all the time. and you had to be as drunk as them to see the fun in being there. plus the music were so loud that we couldn't even have a conversation. the trip was about meeting new people....and if you ask me, that's not the way to make new friends!

so we, mette, toke and i went home to my apartment and watched "casper og mandrilaftalen" for a couple of hours before they went home. afterwards i watched beverly hills, took a shower, drank some wine and listened to this interview i have with the doors. then i went home to my parents. they were celebrating my father's 50th birthday with all of my fathers male-friends. they were soooo drunk all of them. it was funny. i had some beers. and then i went down to martin in his new apartment. it was cosy. mmm. afterwards i went down to pitstop. got in for free. there was this reggae concert going on....the danish comedian "anden" were there as well. don't know why. i only came to see marlene, surprise her (she thought i was still away on that stupid trip) and to wish her a happy birthday. i waited around for 2 hours before she came around. she got soooo happy to see me. heheh. then we drank some champagne and then i went home. great way to spent my saturday! :)

all day yesterday i was studying. i'm still way behind. and it's like i'm going nowhere no matter how many hours i spent on it. blaaah. well...anyway. most of the day today should be spent the same way...but i have some practical things to do also. such as doing the laundry, going down to the university to buy a book, shopping for groceries, having marlene over to pancakes, bake my father a birthday-cake, making dinner to myself and study study study. if you ask me....i would rather be doing nothing and be lost in a daydream...