i miss you already...
2006-09-19 | 9:01 p.m.

today have been very stresfull. stood up early (too early if you ask me). went to my parents house and had breakfast with my father. waited around for some time. went downtown to meet up with mette. went to our lecture in text analysis. afterwards we went to this boring introduction thing by our tutors. then home to find my brothers purse. catching the bus to go downtown again (i was too tired to bicycle) to meet up with my brother and find a present for my father. we bought him 2 sets of knifes, spoons and forks and 3 cd's;
wolfmother - "wolfmother"
kim larsen - "v�rsgo"
kim larsen og kjukken - "7-9-13"
he loved it. he's so cool that he likes wolfmother. hah! afterwards i went home and relaxed a bit on the couch watching beverly hills (it was needed! damn! i was wasted). then i had to go to my parents house again again to have birthday-dinner with them and their guests (my father turns 50 today). and here i am. so i won't get to read the stuff for tomorrows lecture. dammit. well...i'm to tired for it anyways.