2006-12-05 | 11:03 p.m.

after i've moved away from home i can really feel how i react when i'm having guests now and then. i really do my best to make them feel at home. in danger of sounding self-fulfilling i must say that i'm always stretching myself the best i can to people i care about. i'm always ready to put myself aside to spent time on people i care about or helping people i care about. night and day. it is the fewest people who realize that. maybe i do not tell it to them enough?! it's the same thing when it comes to people visiting. my home is (almost) always open to people i care about. as much as i love to be alone as much i love to have company in my apartment. i mean it!

i've been brought up with hospitality. a lot of hospitality. my parents (in particular my mum) has always gone all the way to do the best for whoever have been visiting our home. looking old video tapes through i realized how full and full of life our house always was when i was younger. we always had these big dinner parties with the whole family or just some of my parents friends. it still happens now and then but not at all as often as it was once. and it's crazy to think about. 'cause if my parents always has gone all the way as they do today, buying tons of food and waiting on the guests hands and feet in every possible way. then it's no wonder that i have taken the same habits to me. with the exception of that i'm rarely very fond of too big dinner parties...