" one wants to let me know that they exist..."
2007-01-02 | 4:42 p.m.

i often write about this stuff. 'cause i often get enough of being the one showing the initiative. lately i've suffered from a lot of disappointment and now decided to let people come to me if they really want me. it may sound selfish...but i don't think it is. i read something earlier today sounding even more selfish which made me wanna shout that it isn't that way it's working. but i didn't. 'cause i'm supposed to shut up...right?! you can't push people away and expect that they come crawling to you again. i know some of the disappointment is the result of too high expectations and i'll try to work that out. by myself. it isn't because i don't care that i do not contact you. 'cause i really do care. and i really miss talking to the ones in mind here. so much that it hurts. it is not easy to stay away. there you go.

well...2007 has arrived. and all i've done so far is cleaning and sleeping. way to go. nah..heh.. the first 7 hours of 2007 i actually spent downtown, drinking beer and meeting a lot of people and so. it was fun. my first time being downtown at new year's eve. it actually was a lovely evening/night. and i didn't get that drunk. hurray.