fuck! i hate myspace!
2007-05-09 | 2:11 p.m.'s pathetic that you're so addicted to a site that tells you so many things about people. most often things you don't even want to know. for example i experienced yesterday that someone deleted me from his/her friend list. it's the first time i've experienced that. hey...i've experienced things in there that has hurt even more. this didn't actually just made me wonder and confirmed me in some stuff that's been going on lately. it tells more about the person who deleted you than about you. i just don't hope the person in question spreads the desire of deleting me, to others. especially one in particular who i'd be veeeery sad to lose.

yes i know it's just an internet site... but often the borderline between how the reality is and the reality on the site is, is very invisible so to say. i've learned that the hard way. and wasn't it because it is a pretty important site when you dig music as i do...i'd deleted my profile long ago.

i'm very sad that it has become this low...but we're obviously playing his/her game. and therefore it's at this ridiculous level. i feel like a teen again...