you know you're in college when...
2007-05-24 | 1:30 a.m.

a friend of mine published this list at his blog a couple of days ago. i found it hilarious and picked out the lines that i think fit me the best:
1. High school started before 8am, but now anything before noon is considered "early".

2. You have more beer than food in your fridge.

3. Weekends start on Thursday.

4. 6am is when you go to sleep, not when you wake up.??

5. Instead of falling asleep in class, you stay in bed.

6. You think it�s the weekend on a Wednesday and you don�t know what month it is.

7. Your underwear/sock supply dictates your laundry schedule.

8. You check Facebook/Myspace more than once a day.??

9. You get drunk dialed on any night of the week.

10. Finding random people in your house is perfectly normal, and you even sympathize with them... sometimes when you wake up you have no idea where you are.

11. Your primary news sources are the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

12. The standard of meals per day falls to two, sometimes just one.

13. Your trash is overflowing and your bank account isn�t.

14. Quarters are like gold.

15. You try to study but seem to procrastinate by eating, going to study breaks, talking to people, etc...

16. You talk to your roommate on instant messenger when you�re both home.

17. You ask people what YOU did last night.

18. Certain things are now deemed "Facebook worthy." When friends take pictures of you, you wonder how long it will take them to post them.

19. You see people you know you�ve met but can never remember their names or how you know them.

20. You use words like "thus".

21. Your beer pong table is nicer than all your other tables.

22. It takes preparation... and 3 people... to take out your garbage.

23. Going to the library is a social event.

24. You skip one class to write a paper for another.

25. You have no idea where your tuition money is going... technology fees? I think not.

26. Bicycles don't seem as lame as they did in high school.

27. You stay up late to finish homework then sleep through the class in which it was due.

28. Your backpack is giving you scoliosis.

29. Your bill in the bookstore will be comparable to tuition.

30. Going to the mailbox becomes an ego booster/breaker.

31. You never realized so many people are smarter than you.

32. You never realized so many people are dumber than you.

33. Western Europe could be wiped out by a terrible plague and you'd never know, but you can recite the last episode of your favorite show verbatim.

34. You meet the type of people you thought only existed in movies.

35. Printers break down only when you desperately need them.

36. You can't imagine life without your computer/cell phone/ i-pod.

37. You press the automatic door opener instead of simply grabbing the handle when you approach a door.

38. Class size doubles on exam days.

39. You are no longer thankful that fire alarms are here to protect you.

40. You begin to include ketchup on your list of acceptable vegetables.

41. There's always a "question kid" in at least one of your classes, and you really wish someone would just tell him/her to shut the hell up.

42. Dressing up for Halloween becomes cool again.

43. You hang multiple shirts on the same hanger to save space/money.

44. You become increasingly annoyed with the "old" people in class - props to them for going back to college but they generally ask really, really annoying questions.

45. You set your clock 5-10 minutes ahead so you can potentially make it to class on time.

46. You only find out a class is cancelled after you get there and sit for about ten minutes.

47. You run out of black ink and, instead of buying a new ink cartridge, decide blue is a nice substitute... adds a little flair.

48. You finish reading this and wonder how you can procrastinate next.