best of 2007
2007-12-30 | 1:36 p.m.

so i promised you a top-list of the all the best albums released during 2007 if you ask me (click on the cover to listen).

foreign artists:

1. the coral - "roots and echoes"

2. cherry ghost - "thirst for romance"

3. malcolm middleton - "a brighter beat"

4. the shins - "wincing the night away"

5. beirut - "the flying club cup"

of danish albums worth mentioning:

entakt - "tr�erne vokser ind i himlen"

1 2 3 4 - "in your faith"

speaker bite me - "action painting"

figurines - "when the deer wore blue"

my top 8 of the best live experiences during the year:
1. Ed Harcourt, Voxhall 7/12
2. Ryan Adams, Falconer Salen 22/11
3. Grizzly Bear, Roskilde Festival
4. Rufus Wainwright, Musikhuset 5/12
5. Beirut, Roskilde Festival
6. Wolfmother, Train 9/12
7. Whitest Boy Alive, Roskilde Festival
8. Speaker Bite Me, Posten 29/9

new to me during the year:
jarvis cocker
cherry ghost
gorky's zygotic mynci
malcolm middleton

the more personal stuff...well...i've not managed to fall in love again. can't bear the thought of going through it once again. so the year has been pretty uneventful when it comes to the opposite gender.
then i've moved once again. this time i've moved closer to the center of the city and even got a room mate. siff. we're doing fine. i think. at least if you ask me.
furthermore i've become a part of the student house downtown. spent most of my summer vacation working on the application for the alcohol license to the house. which we of course got in the end. then i suddenly became a part of the committee to the f�lles studiestart festival where my main assignment was to book two of the bands and take care of them during the arrangement. which i did least according to the bands. and i really enjoyed it.
moreover i have become a voluntary photographer at the local venue, godset. which i tend to continue in 2008 with hopefully lots of more fun. you can see the best shots of 2007 at which is also a new thing from this busy year that's gone way too fast.