2008-03-03 | 10:58 p.m.

wow...this weekend has gone by so fast! i barely remember all the things i've done because there's been so many things. so i'll do with just telling you a bit about my saturday.

i spent most of it running around in town doing stuff as a part of the preparations for that night's party at the student house. i was co-organizer, tobias was my partner, but he had to work saturday, so i was all alone. siff helped me making the food for the band though. that was nice. johan was at the student house as well when i arrived down there, getting ready to receive the pa-installation. everything was ready for the evening...then suddenly the worst thing possible struck, when the band called me and told me that they couldn't cross the bridge between zealand and funen because it was closed for light vehicles. argh! what to do what to do. i made a lot of phone calls, discussing the situation with rudi, johan, the band and my parents. it ended up with the band finding a caf� and wait around 'til 9 pm (it was 4 pm when they called me for the first time) and see if the bridge opened again as we were told on the website of the bridge.

so there was nothing else to do than to wait around in the student house, trying to keep calm and hope for the best while the band kept me updated. the worst time was between 8 pm and 9 pm where both tobias and i got really worried and had bad nerves fearing the worst possible. at 9:15 pm we didn't know anything yet. so i checked the website of the bridge where the light had changed from red to yellow. wohoo...tobias and i hugged getting our hopes up, but was still nervous as we hadn't heard anything from the band yet. then 5 minutes later i received a text message telling me that they'd made it. they'd crossed the bridge! finally! the party could begin. at least for tobias and i. heh.

one hour later turboweekend finally arrived. i quickly got some boys to help out getting the gear inside so they could start getting ready for sound check. one last problem before i could relax fully was a box missing with all the microphones. martin and some others desperately tried to find some of the microphones we have in the house but without luck. (thanks anyway). i called rudi in the meantime. and within 15 minutes we got all the microphones needed and rudi helped out during the quick sound check. around midnight the concert could finally start. only 2 hours late according to the original schedule.

thanks to all the ones helping out, trying to keep the party going during the time waiting and waiting, it all ended out great. people were happy, drunk and dancing around. it was the best concert and the atmosphere was faaantastic! see the pictures below:

turboweekend > silas

turboweekend > morten

turboweekend > martin

turboweekend > crowd

turboweekend > crowd

turboweekend > silas