i keep getting empty messages
2008-04-03 | 7:57 p.m.

enough of my whining. besides a minor heart attach yesterday evening and some illness like fever during the night aaand tiredness in general, i'm doing fine. i have to study all weekend for the re-examination i have on thursday. i'm also going to miss all my lectures monday and tuesday because of that. i have to pass it this time. no time or energy for more failures.

anyways...isn't it time for some music talk ?! actually i was geeking around (again again) earlier today when nanna was asleep. 'cause i had to do some research work for the f�lles studiestart event i'm co-organizer at...and it hit me that i haven't heard teitur's new album yet, which is a really big mistake!

i also came to think of the good ol' days at the DR radio house (radiohuset). the house is still there...but it isn't the same, 'cause the people working there is gone. either they've quit, been fired or else they are working in the new buildings where the music is worked up today. i'll never be able to visit them again...which is a huge shame. i loved the atmosphere of that old building and the kind people...

ok...this entry wasn't that exciting..i know. i promise i'll work harder for a more interesting entry in a couple of days. have fun.