raunchy!? huh? hah!
2008-06-11 | 10:55 p.m.

i've been watching this clip several times today...during my breaks in my studies dreaming about being back at the spot festival. sigh:

they where the second last name i saw at spot last saturday. the music doesn't appeal to me at all...but i was amused the 2 or 3 songs i stayed around before i had to run over to another stage in order to pick up a friend. i was amused of the fact that the lead singer (or growler/screamer you might call him (no...not that kind of screamer!)), kasper, is a friend of mine. he has studied danish/nordic literature like me in kolding, only a few years ahead. and now he's a teacher in his everyday life. haha. would you've thought that seeing how he act on stage ?! no way huh ?! it kind of impressed me and made me smile. i've known for a while that he's in this band...but i've had difficulties imagining him on i know how he is on stage...crazy! wild wild wild!

this was by the way the band to make the greatest impact on me this year. may i introduce you...ladies and gentlemen...snake and jet's amazing bullit band:

and here (the real song starts around 01:49):

they're sooo cool! makes you wanna dance...mmm.

oh yeah...and david fricke from the rolling stone magazine of course showed up once again this year. sounds like it was his 5th spot festival as well:

he is absolutely right!