who said i didn't like it ?!
2008-12-10 | 6:17 a.m.

i have coughed all's 6am now and i haven't slept at instead i've played around with some pictures, watched some series and checked out some other stuff...

do you know when someone tells you about an artist, a piece of music or something like that and tells you at some point that you probably won't be able to like it anyways!? well...that happens occasionally for me... recently it happened when a told me to start listening to this japanese artist, shugo tokumaru...and then later on predicted that i probably wouldn't even like it... well.. he was wrong...and here's one of my favourite songs so far:

listen to this one as well...i like the way he sings 'parachute'. s heard it on my ipod yesterday when we were waiting in a line in netto...she digged it big time as well..hehe. she even danced a bit...

well...another one...the famous t c thought yesterday that i didn't even like his new album...i don't know where he had that idea from...hmm. the fact is, that i actually like his new album even better than his last album...i think he was quite surprised to learn that. heh. what is it with people misjudging me and my taste in music lately?! - especially the ones who should have a quite clear idea of my taste in music by now...well...more or less. hmmm.

my top ten from last week:
1. loney, dear
2. jens lekman
3. larsen & furious jane
4. the notwist
5. the middle east
6. billie the vision & the dancers
7. entakt
8. fleet foxes
9. department of eagles
10. shugo tokumaru