new students = busy busy busy
2009-08-29 | 10:04 a.m.

wouw...shit! have i been busy! i refuse to let this diary die. now it's been going on for over 7 years (holy moly!)...and it would be a shame to just let it go. i guess when i've managed to settle down in my new apartment (oh yes by the way...the thing i wanted to tell you some entries ago, was that i've moved to copenhagen. yay!)..then i'll have lots of stories to tell you again.

a lot of things are going on in my life at the moment. i've attended a lot of different meetings with different people different places about different future stuff. spent the last two days making sure that the new students from the university have been introduced properly to the student house (thursday: bodebrixen played for the new students at the university and practised the rest of the day at godset, while i took care of them and showed the student house to some students. yesterday: S and i went to the university to tell the new students about the student house, then we went down to the student house to show it to some more new students and then we had to prepare for the pubcrawl that the new students were attending; counting all the beers and sodas and making sure to cool them down. and then drink beer all afternoon and making fun with the new students. very entertaining...after a few beers, and then in the evening, i attended the party at the was boring and people were rude!).

oh and by the way...i got run down by a car...but i'm okay.