2010...never been more lonely
2010-01-03 | 10:28 a.m.

wow...2010. i can't believe the numbers standing above this entry. i've been living in my own little bubble the past few days...actually the first days of this very decade and year...the reason why, is that i moved to copenhagen once again the day before new years. so now i have my own place...for the first time in 2 years (!!). and the past 4 months have almost been living hell living at a lovely apartment with a stupid man, then living in a small room with a 19-yearold teenager sleeping on her couch, and then live for a whole month at my parents. so's very weird being back completely on my own...and then in copenhagen. phew.

it's been kind of lonely...but i've enjoyed laying around in my bed all day and sitting in my couch...watching the 2nd, 3rd and 4th season of OC. mmmm. yesterday i also started packing out some of my stuff....hurray. guess i'd had a hard time believing that this is really my place, considering what i have been through the past few months.

anyways...i've also spent some of my christmas holidays on making lists of here's my top 10 in foreign albums of the year and danish albums of the year 2009:

10. the clientele - bonfires on the heath
9. bowerbirds - upper air
8. camera obscura - my maudlin career
7. isbells - isbells
6. m. ward - hold time
5. grizzly bear - veckatimest
4. the antlers - hospice
3. the whitest boy alive - rules
2. m�m - sing a-long to songs you don't know
1. loney, dear - dear john

10. oh no ono - eggs
9. twins twins - until dawn
8. turboweekend - ghost of a chance
7. factory45 - would you take off the things that you like the best?
6. cody - songs
5. the liberty balance - the liberty balance
4. bodebrixen - whatsinsideswhatsoutside
3. slaraffenland - we're on your side
2. mouritz/h�rslev - blik, bang bang
1. hymns from nineveh - uncomplicated christmassongs

oh...and i woke up with this playing in my head earlier today: