oct/nov 2011 part deux
2011-12-04 | 11:56 a.m.

it was suppose to be more colorful food
not so colourfu food as it was suppose to.

dorte talking about stengade
dorte talking about stengade at copenhagen unconvention.

ulige numre @ rødovre
ulige numre @ r�dovre. lovely band.

hymns from nineveh @ godset
hymns from nineveh @ godset in kolding together with my father. it was his birthday present and was a damn good one!

coffee and cake at grandma's place together with my cousin trine. so cosy!

drawings from my childhood
old drawings in my grandma's kitchen from when we were children. i made the one in the middle and the one in the left upper corner.

halloween with thee attacks!halloween with thee attacks and tremolo beer gut and the lovely people of crunchy frog. hell of a night!

opening thingy at the clothes store monki with ulige numre
opening thingy at the clothes store monki. ulige numre playing. crazy event and shitty girls beer. the girl wearing the furr, fell in love with the lead singer. i'm sure!