The morning right after....
2002-06-09 | 10:44 a.m.

I'm so exhausted right now... The festival yesterday went so great! The sun was shining all day. Danielles family was great. I like being with them :) Danielle and I had so much fun.

jupiter day was great...It was just to bad that they were the first band to play. There wasn't many people to support them. But Danielle and I jumped around to our favourite song, "New Genetic Sound". We were the only people there stood upfront and jumped around and sang..hehe.

I've got blisters after my new all Stars. We went down to the first-aid tent 2 times yesterday, to get plasters to my blisters. My bag hurts. I got sunburned, after sitting in the sun all day yesterday. AV!

When there was an hour for D-A-D to go on stage, me and Danielle went up to the stage. There was a lot of people and hardcore D-A-D fans waiting. So Danielle and I couldn't come upfront, but almost. So there we stood, talked and joked. When D-A-D finally came on stage, people went nuts. They were jumping and pushing around. There was several times where I felt I couldn't breath. That wasn't funny. So I gave up, standing upfront and went back to Danielles family while Danielle still was upfront. Her brother was so drunk and he justed danced around drinking beer. He took me out for a dance 3 times. Hehe...that was fun. When Danielle came back, she and I danced around and sang. Before the 3 last numbers was played, we went outside and said goodbye to eachothers. So now there's probably (?) a looooong time to I see Danielle again.... Sad.