it's never enough with a heart...
2004-08-18 | 12:18 a.m.

i got depressed today. i had looked forward to this day since yesterday when i realised that i didn't have to do anything today without feeling guilt. but then i got depressed. hmm. it's weird. i don't know what it was. it was just that all of the sudden it hurted inside me and i felt like crying but didn't like to 'cause my parents had come home from work. so i tried to avoid them. and then i found some chocolate in my purse. duh. i was irritated yesterday. and today just sad. i think i have to find something to do soon so i wouldn't have to think so much. it helped though to talk a bit with him.

tomorrow i'll start to play guitar on the musicians school. yeah. i'm looking forward to see those friendly faces again. we had so much fun last year. heh. and the day after tomorrow some japanese girls are visting. they're gonna stay 4-5 days. i hope they're coming. it could be funny.