mad mad world
2005-07-09 | 6:07 p.m.

i really don't get it....the terrorists must be mentally retarded. they don't get that their cruel attacks really don't make any difference for them selves or to the world. the world stops and goes to shock a couple of days (depending on the size of the attack) and then moves on again. and then there is a lot of families who lost their loved ones because of mentally retarded terrorists who likes bombs. and to what matter ? bush, blair and fogh (and the others) just keep bombing their homeland countries even more...and again.. to what matter ?! makes me so angry. it wouldn't be healthy for me if i was a politician. enough about the evil world politics. and back to here and now...

daniel cancelled our half appointment about eating pancakes, stracciatella ice cream and watching a movie. it's ok. though i miss him. but we have a new appointment on monday...i think.we're going to club modstr�m together. and it's my turn to by him a beer. heh. oh...monday evening is going to be great. charlotte (no not that charlotte) will be there with her friend, i'm going to see stefan again, pitstop (a rarity) and hopefully ulf will be around so i can give him his article (yes..the one about the concert with mads mouritz a couple of months back).

oh and i just got a new hi-fi stereo (CD, FM and DAB) and a record player today. mmm. SO nice to actually be able to hear what they play on the good old LP's. expensive. but definitely worth it.

mmm..i'm hungry.