i'm so in love with the muuuuusic!!
2005-09-18 | 4:28 a.m.

uh uh was a great concert/party this thursday when danielle visited me. and i took her and my cousin to a concert with junior senior. wohoo. everybody were so happy (except the angry lady standing behind me) and dancing around all over. afterwards we went to pitstop where we danced around even more. it was a lovely evening/night. we had a very great time.

i thought i was about to have that once again this evening when i went to pitstop together with my cousins and brother to see the danish rapper clemens (my younger cousin is a dedicated fan of him). everything was dandy until a guy provoked my great-cousin in the middle of the concert, so he hit him....bla bla...a long story. but the provokating guy ended up attacking my great-cousin outside pitstop afterwards, so the police came and yeah... the evening was spoiled for some. i hate it when people have a violent behaviour. well...anyway...after that mess, the "right" people started to arrive and i had a great time. all though i was to face my past. both louise, stephanie, ednar, martin and many many more showed up tonight...hmmm. and some of 'em i haven't seen for ages. oh well...both good and bad things went through my mind. and in the end malene showed up...THEN i went home..before anything went wrong again.

all in all it was a great evening/night. marlene had birthday, so we celebrated her and stuff. and once again rie told me how much she adores me. haha. unbelieveable. even line told me once again. nice people. but i still don't quite get it. heh.