the dreaded day...
2007-02-14 | 10:17 a.m. least if you're single. it's one of those days where the best thing you could do to yourself, is to stay in bed, draw the curtains and read books. not listen to the radio, surfing the internet or watch television. you could listen to your records or watch dvd's if you want. just do anything not to face reality. that would probably be the things i'd been up to today if i hadn't had to go to the university or meet up with my mum later.

the most ridiculous thing about this day is that it's a saints day and actually has absolute nothing to do with love. the reason why it turned out to be this parlour game day, was because this saint (who's name i won't mention 'cause you all know what i'm talking about) wrote a letter to his girlfriend (not his lover) before he was executed. it's just like easter and's a full profit day to especially the chocolate manufacturers and the flower shops. it's disgusting.