black outs when you're concious
2007-11-30 | 7:16 p.m.

i've had these strange blackouts the last couple of days. for instance earlier today at work where i had to draw a symbol...a symbol i've been used to draw for a looooong time without problems...suddenly my hand just draw a star. so i tried again...slower...still a star. hmm. the same thing happened yesterday evening -after a long day at uni, a long meeting at the student house and a couple of beers afterwards - when i had to vote on the best danish album this year somewhere on the internet and i suddenly couldn't remember what my friend's debut album is called. huh?! me who normally can hurl such things out in the blue without any hesitation.

hmm...something tells me that i suffer from some kind of stress. i don't know. but it's certainly something this weekend will improve...hopefully...even though i have to study most of the day tomorrow.