lack of sleep
2008-03-30 | 9:22 p.m.

it's ages since i've slept so little. since friday morning 5:30am i've slept for about 11 hours. friday i had to get up so early 'cause i had to take care of nanna all day. i had to attend a board meeting at the student i had to walk aaall the way into the city with nanna and make sure she was entertained during the meeting. afterwards we stayed around for a bit waiting for her mum to call so she could come and pick us up. in the evening i went home to my parents for dinner before i had to go down to godset to photograph tue west. it was a bit boring, so i drank some beers...and yes...we ended up at pitstop. hah! i was soooo tired, but stayed up all night. dancing and drinking.

yesterday i hadn't got the time for sleeping so much. 'cause vibeke arrived at some point and i had some laundry and some other things to do before. but it was a struggle because i was soooo tired. but i had to keep on going 'cause we had to have dinner, drink some drinks and walk down to godset where i was to photograph the storm. i'd really looked forward to it. both because i was curious to hear more of their music, experience them live, see how many people that came and then because pernille and i know each other from the past and i hadn't seen her for three years or so...

here's some of the best shots i took. some shots i'm really proud of actually:

The Storm

The Storm

The Storm

The Storm

The Storm

aaand...before i go to sleep. here's my top ten from last week:
1. babyshambles
2. arctic monkeys
3. jarvis cocker
4. grizzly bear
5. scott walker
6. joy division
7. gorky's zygotic mynci
8. dirty pretty things
9. patrick watson
10. ed harcourt

i think it's really cool! i wish i had the time and energy to go to copenhagen tomorrow...'cause patrick watson is playing at loppen. sigh.