i have the worlds coolest...
2008-05-23 | 11:11 a.m.

...bachelor supervisor. hah! me and anja went for a walk in the nature near by me yesterday. none of us were dressed up for anything...but we decided to go over to godset and see what happened. guess we missed the place. first of i met steffen whom i haven't seen for ages...oh how nice it was to see him again and joke around. suddenly i turned around and saw my bachelor cool is that!?! he's a punk musician and likes going to concerts like the one yesterday. hah. though i wasn't fond of the music playing down there yesterday it's still cool. hehe. and funny. i wasn't suppose to be there, so i didn't bring my camera. but it was fun just to be there and hang out with those you just happen to ran into.

afterwards i went over to the student house because i had to lay back some money i'd used for some things. of course i ended up drinking beer. but only one! and stayed down there for a while...just talking (with the missing voice). it was nice.

well...have to get some things done. bye.