it's hard being me right now
2008-09-18 | 2:43 p.m.

i've had some very stress-full days the past four days. it started monday morning around 5am when i woke up and couldn't sleep anymore. so i got out of bed and wrote a page to my bachelor project and had a very long morning before i had to go to uni. my bike had a punture, so i had to walk. walk to everything i had to do. tuesday morning i woke up around 6am frustrated and couldn't sleep for thoughts running around inside my head. thoughts primary about a lot practical stuff concerning f�lles studiestart and the meeting i had to attend wednesday so i got up and started to make a to do list...i was too tired to even look at my bachelor project. yesterday i could finally sleep! and when i woke i spent most of the day hanging up f�lles studiestart posters all over kolding city...being careful not to cover the posters from pitstop and godset. then today i discovered that pitstop had covered all of our posters all over the city!! that made me pretty angry...and i am still pretty angry about having wasted all that time and energy yesterday when i could have worked on my bachelor project to nothing!'s a lovely danish song by a danish artist with whom i've had some kind of controversy with during this summer...but that still doesn't make this song bad: