here on my own
2009-01-11 | 4:13 a.m.

it's 4 am in the morning. i went to bed about 4 hours ago and went to sleep about 3 hours ago. woke up 1 hour ago to the sound of celine dion being played very loud in the apartment downstairs. it's fucking annoying! so i've tried to listen to some sleepy music on my ipod in order to ignore the party downstairs...but no good. so here i lie...awake...when i need my sleep the most! i finished the assignment and turned it in in time the other day by the way. yay. only to get another assignment handed out. so i'm reading the texts for that assignment at the moment...spent all day yesterday reading the danish ones and have two english texts remaining needed to be read before 11 am this very morning because M is coming over to talk about the subjects of the texts to kind of form a general view of the whole assignment. afterwards i need to start focusing on my grammar examination...i have a lot to do and no time for being tired...but the people in the apartment downstairs have for sure made sure to ruin my night of much needed sleep now...thanks for nothing!!

anyways...not so long ago M recommended this scottish film to me. 'hallam foe'. i saw it the other day and i must say it kind of blew me away in a good do yourself a favour and go see's the trailer:

he mostly recommended it to me because of the soundtrack because there's (of course) a lot of scottish music on there. i can't wait to hear it in it's full length now! you can stream 4 of the tracks here. i like track 13 (juana molina - 'salvese quien pueda') and 2 (u.n.p.o.c. - 'here on my own') the best so far.

better give the falling asleep part a chance again...keep your fingers crossed that they will stop playing their so called music soon and won't get into one of their never ending fights!