wooops...what(ever) happened (to my rock'n'roll) ??
2009-02-20 | 9:00 p.m.

woaa...the past 5 days have been really busy i guess. sorry. monday i went to my lecture at uni and afterwards i attended a three hour long meeting about the concerts at the student house. so i was pretty exhausted when i finally came home again. tuesday my lecture was cancelled, so i went for a swim at the swimming bath...which i should never have done. 'cause apparently week 8 is also counting as a winter break week...which means a hell lot of rude children and screaming babies. so after 35 lengths i gave up ignoring the rude children playing around not taking care if they where blocking my way...grrr. i got home, read a couple of articles for the cancelled lecture, before going to a board-meeting at the student house. i went early to bed that night as well. wednesday, L came by with some buns and stayed for a couple of hours drinking tea and talking. the rest of the day i relaxed and read some to the lecture thursday.

thursday i went to this weeks last lecture and when i got off i went down to the library where S and i had to represent a stand for the student house presenting it to future students at a event about the university. four hectic hours, talking, running around, socializing, having pizza, watching stand-up and generally having fun. one of the lines had brought helium balloons which we were allowed to bring to the thursday bar later that evening. it's crazy how multi-coloured balloons can effect your mood. they made me smile and people had great fun with them at the student house. it was a lovely evening...i went to pitstop at some point checking out the band called farven fornem. it was okay i guess...i was just not in the mood for it, so i went back to the student house again.

today started up with yet another meeting...and afterwards G and i went for a walk to all the cheap second-hand shops in town. i ended up with a dress for tomorrow's shrovetide party at the student house and a book with poems by christian winther. a very old and beautiful book in white and gold. yay...go me who hasn't even got the money to buy myself some food...

here's my top ten from last week:
1. the zombies
2. the whitest boy alive
3. blur
4. music for modern man
5. sam amidon
6. murder
7. loney, dear
8. m. ward
9. ed harcourt
10. high places